Risks you can take
For ordinary investors, if they want to choose a financial management method with little risk, they need to carefully read the product manual of financial products before buying. There will be a hint of risk level on it, and try to choose the risk range they can bear. Otherwise, if they exceed their expectations, their wealth and spirit will suffer a double blow. We can see from the data, At present, the expected annual yield of monetary fund is 2% ~ 2.5%, that of bond fund is 3% ~ 8%, and that of regular financial products is generally 3.5% ~ 4.5%.
10 yuan can be invested in financial products
In previous years, the annualized rate of return of many recent financial products can reach more than 5%. Therefore, the current stable financial management method with low risk can generally achieve an annualized rate of return of about 4%. It is still difficult to achieve an annualized rate of return of 5% ~ 6%. If you want to achieve an annualized rate of return of 5% ~ 6%, you can choose bond funds for investment, Because the threshold of this financial product is very low, however, bond funds are also affected by the strength of the fixed income market, and the yield will fluctuate obviously, but the relative risk will be smaller. We must be prepared.
Huge investment crowd
If you want to invest more, you can also achieve a yield of more than 5% through trust financial management. Generally, you need to buy from 1 million yuan, and the threshold is relatively high. Trust can seek some high-quality financial resources with more stable and higher return through capital advantage and locking liquidity, while some people make money by buying stock funds, For example, in 2020, some people bought funds and doubled their income. Even if they didn't buy Niuji, many people's income was 30%.